Monday, 1 October 2012

First Seminar Assignment: Me, Myself & I...

This piece of writing was initially meant for my first seminar assignment to describe myself(and is aimed at my class), but I will be posting a lot of my work on here. You guys can not only get to know me better but this means I can get my writing out to the general public!

I can confidently say that writing makes up a major part of my life. My mum told me that after my first day of school I told her that the school was ‘rubbish, because they haven’t taught me how to read yet’. I read whenever I can nowadays, and when I get the chance I will update my fashion blog. My ten or so followers don’t seem to mind that the posts are occasionally weeks apart!
For this task I racked my brains trying to think of something interesting about myself to write about, but it was difficult. I think I’m probably similar to every other girl in this room! We shop, we laugh, we eat, we sit in bed watching desperate housewives for 3 hours eating crisps! I think what makes us interesting is what we find interesting ourselves, and for me that’s writing. What we like to do in our down-time and our hobbies is really what defines us as people, whether that’s watching films, going shopping or playing rugby! 

Whenever I have an interesting or meaningful experience I will write about it, sometimes on my blog, sometimes personally in my diary. People seem to think that keeping a diary is something for lonely people to confide in, but in reality it’s not just a shoulder to cry on, it’s a document of your early life!
Looking back at my writing from when I was younger definitely makes me cringe and wonder ‘why did I write that?!’ but as time goes on it’s a lovely indicator of where you were at and a reminder of your experiences that you had probably forgotten about!

I think the most interesting thing about me at the moment is my passion for this course and my dedication to my career. We are all in the same boat on this course and we all want similar things for our futures, which is why I chose to focus on writing for this task. Hopefully and most likely it will appeal to you as much as it does to me.

Beth x

Interview with Jessica David: Former Beauty Editor at Glamour

Interview: I get chatting to Glamour’s former Celebrity & Entertainment Editor, Jessica David…

Full time mum and winner of the Best Online Journalist award (2010) Jessica David is the former Celebrity and Entertainment Editor of After giving an inspirational talk at Southampton Solent University, here’s what she had to say in a more in-depth conversation…

Did you always want to work on a women's magazine?
Initially I wanted to be a novelist! This is something I still want to do but haven't got 'round to yet, but I've always been heavily into women's magazines and especially celebrity, fashion and beauty, so this area of journalism seemed like a logical step for me.

What kind of experience do you think would be invaluable for someone looking to get into this industry?
I'd say bag as many work placements in London as physically possible! I spent a year doing placements and internships before I got my big break, so I know it certainly helped me have an edge over other applicants.

Was your life as Beauty Editor of one of the most successful women's magazines as glamorous as people presume?
It was and it wasn't! There were times when I'd worked a 20 hour day because of a relaunch or some impossible deadline, and times when I couldn't afford to update my wardrobe because all of my money had gone on travel expenses! But then, I wouldn't change any of it.

What do you love most about your job?
As a freelance writer now, I love that I can pick and choose my hours and my features. I decide what I want to write and when, so if I want to have a week where I just spend time with my daughter and go to Peppa Pig World EVERY DAT (which has been known!) then I can.